Author(s) Guidelines

1. The Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis (JURA) seeks to redefine and revigorate the links between geography, sociology, planning, economy, and political sciences. It aims to publish original academic research, critical studies and discussions of the highest scholar standard in the field of urban and regional development. Submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of their academic quality and contribution to advancing the understanding of the complex problems related to urban and regional development.

2. Submitted manuscripts must be original, unpublished contributions. They must not be submitted or accepted by any other publications. All articles submitted to JURA* will be fully available online, free of charge.

3. One electronic copy of the manuscript in MS Word should be sent by email: office [ at ]

4. All papers should follow the structure: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References.

5. Manuscripts should be written in English, based on the UK English grammar.
Add line numbers to your manuscript to help the reviewers and to receive improved feed-back.

Download JURA paper template

Page setup: A4 size, 3 cm all margins.
Title: Calibri, font 16 bold, all caps, centered.
Name of authors: Palatino Linotype, font 12 bold, first name followed by the last name upper-case, centered. Affiliation follows below, centered (Palatino Linotype, font 10).

Abstract: a clear and informative text of 170-200 words (based on the structure: Introduction, Aim, Methodology, Results, Conclusions), Palatino Linotype, font 10.

Keywords: four or five keywords, Palatino Linotype, font 10.

Text: Palatino Linotype, font 10.

Headings: Calibri, font 16 bold.

Tables and figures should be centered and numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript and referred in the text using Arab numbering.

Images should be submitted separately too, at a good quality with at least 300dpi for gray images and 600dpi for images comprising colours. Where it is possible, add vector images (eps or pdf).

Preferably, use Calibri typeface for all the text within an image. Do not add the caption in the submitted picture.
Do not add: "Source: own work" or similar. If you use an image taken from another source, then please cite it accordingly.
Limit your number of images to seven (same for tables) and focus on their clarity.

For equations, use the built-in equation editor from your text processing software.

Citations in the text should use the Harvard System of short references, for example: (Geyer 2002), followed by a, b,... when two or more references to works by one author are given for the same year, e.g. (Geyer 2002a, 2002b). For two authors, use: (Geyer and Smith 2009). For three authors or more, use: (Geyer et al. 2010). When using more references in a phrase, order them by the year of publication and, then, alphabetically, e.g. (Geyer 2002, Adams 2005, Smith et al. 2010, Geyer 2013).

Page numbers should be indicated for each quotation, e.g. (Geyer 2002: 51) or (Geyer et al. 2008: 18-19).

At the end of the article, a full listing of references in alphabetical order should be provided in the following style: 

BĂNICĂ A., CAMARĂ G. (2011) Accessibility and tourist function development of the Romanian small towns, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 7 (1), 122-133.

CONOVER W. J. (1999) Practical nonparametric statistics, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

MCKINSEY GLOBAL INSTITUTE (2018) Smart Cities in Southeast Asia, McKinsey & Company, Retrieved from: (short url of direct link).

All references in other languages need to include the original title and its English translation, as:

PODOGRODZKA M. (2013) Demografia małych miast polski - wybrane zagadnienia (Demography of small Polish cities - selected issues), Studia Ekonomiczne 144 (1), 147-164.

Triple-check your references details and their correspondence with the in-text citation. Be aware that despite doing our best to remediate possible issues, authors are responsible for the accuracy of references.

Include the DOI link when available.
Footnotes should be avoided. 

Authors not proficient in English should have their manuscripts checked before submission by a competent or native English speaker. 

*JURA is an open-acces journal with a frequency of two issues per year (publication in April and in October, starting with 2023).